Super Keto Carrot Pear Lavender Smoothie.

Super Keto Carrot Pear Lavender Smoothie.


  • 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 3 ripe pears, cored (Peeling Optional)
  • ½ tsp food grade lavender blossoms, crushed
  • 1 cup nut milk 
  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • Pinch of pink Himalaya salt
  • 3-4 ice cubes


  1. First add all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. 
  2. Add more honey according to taste.
  3. Serve immediately.
  4. Enjoy!

Diet Smoothie Recipe. Drop 3 Pounds In 3 Days In 2021.


  • If your blender is not powerful enough you should first juice the carrots. 
  • Then blend the freshly-made carrot juice with other ingredients. Add the carrot pulp and blend until smooth. 
  • Remember to buy organic products whenever you can.

Nutrition Serving Per 1 glass:

  • Calories: 476Kcal
  • Total Fat: 0.9g 
  • Saturated Fat: 0g 
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 92mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 124.8g 
  • Dietary Fiber: 22.5g 
  • Total Sugars: 84.4g  
  • Protein: 3.3g  
  • Calcium: 98mg
  • Iron: 2mg 
  • Potassium: 1128mg